The IQAC of Prafulla Chandra College is actively engaged in continuous improvement of quality attributes in Academic Standards. Since its formation, it has set and worked hard to achieve its motto: Reform, Transform, Perform, Inform and Confirm.
Reform: It tries to replace traditional policies, procedures and practices with modern and updated ones.
Transform: It works on converting all Institution-centric activities to Stakeholder-centric ones.
Perform: All its efforts are directed towards educating, encouraging, and motivating faculty, staff, and students to put their utmost effort into achieving desired goals.
Inform: It reviews the present academic condition and reports to the administration and other stakeholders for necessary actions.
Confirm: It does its best to implement its strategies and policy decisions.
The major initiatives of the IQAC include:
Structured Academic Planning:
At the beginning of the academic session, the IQAC holds a meeting with the HODs and formulates effective curriculum planning through preparation of a comprehensive Academic Calendar.
It chalks out strategies for timely curriculum delivery by departments.
Under the overall monitoring of the IQAC, all the departments prepare their respective Teaching, Assessment, Remedial and Academic Enrichment Plans.
Planning for Infrastructural Development:
Physical Infrastructure: The maintenance and upgradation of physical infrastructure is vested in the Co-ordination Committee. The IQAC reviews all existing infrastructure and forwards upgradation proposals to the Committee through the Principal, when necessary.
Digital and ICT-Based infrastructure: The IQAC pledges to promote ICT application and digitization of all academic activities. It closely follows upgradations in software and hardware, and places proposals before the Principal for procurements thereof.
Review of teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations: It reviews existing process of teaching, learning and evaluation, structures & methodologies of operations and plans for suitable upgradation thereof, when necessary.
Review of learning outcomes: The IQAC chalks out the POs and COs, communicates them through website and prospectus, and assesses the learning outcomes at the completion of every semester and prepares a report .
Records of the incremental improvement in various activities in last 5 years:
All classrooms upgraded to Smart-rooms with interactive boards, internet, and audio-visual facilities.
An e-LMS has been set up.
Hall room upgraded to Auditorium with 3 split projection systems and modern amenities.
20 Add-on courses were conducted to enrich curriculum.
25 MoUs have been signed with other institutions for faculty exchange and joint activities.
Online assessment of learning outcome introduced.
Research seed-money introduced for faculty.
Six teachers got awarded with Ph.D degree, two have submitted thesis and five are registered.
72 papers/book-chapters were published by faculty.
A 360-degree Teachers’ Appraisal scheme introduced.
Certificate courses on Yoga and Art & Craft introduced.
Career counselling and Skill Enhancement programme are conducted every year.
Seminars and Special Lectures on Gender, Environmental sustainability, Human value and Professional Ethics, Constitutional Rights etc. are organised.
Lift, ramps, special toilet facilities introduced.
10 KVA Solar Power Plant installed.
Library KOHA software and Office ERP upgraded.
Electronic Notice Board installed.
26 Seminars/Webinar/Workshops organized.
Participated in NIRF, arranged Academic and Administrative Audit, Quality Audit and ISO Certification.
The main function of IQAC is to prepare the long term master plan for expansion and all-round development of the college and ensure implementation of the same. The broad areas of functioning of IQAC are the following:
Enhancing academic quality through introduction of modern methods and technologies in the area of teaching-learning and evaluation.
Ensuring smooth functioning of college through the following
Upgrading and modernizing the office administration, library and student support services
Arranging for a strong feedback mechanism from the stakeholders to ensure continuous self-assessment and evaluation.
Ensuring infrastructural developments through modernizing and upgrading the facilities used by students and faculty.
Catering to the society through various out-reach programmes.