
Teachers Profile

Sri. Prithwish Kumar Roy

Associate Professor

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Dr. Debarpita Banerjee


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The Department of Geography which was initiated in 1987 is one of the newest entrants of the college. However, Geography as a pass subject in the Department of Commerce was already there since the beginning of the College. Under the affiliation of Calcutta  University, B.A. / B.Sc. General Course started in 1996 and finally in 2001 Calcutta University & Govt. of W. Bengal has granted affiliation to Geography Honours. Presently, courses offered by the Geography Department include the 3 year Honours Degree Course and the 3 year General Degree Course. The present faculty comprises one full-time U.G.C teacher and seven part-time teachers.


  1. The primary goal of the department is to impact the concept of spatial relationship between physical landscape and socio-econo-political life of people.
  2. This study is a continuous thought process not only confined within laboratory or classroom chalk and talk process, rather it is a field study which is conducted on a yearly basis as a part of fulfillment of University Examination Syllabus.
  3. Besides, knowledge of Geographical Information System (GIS) is being imparted to the students which has broader prospects in near future.
  4. Beyond syllabus, the other happenings in the world, contemporary social issues, emerging ideas of economy, disaster etc are given priority. Those problems and prospects are properly addressed to students through slides audio-visual presentations, internet access, seminars etc.

Future Plans:

The department is having an ambitious plan to open a post-graduate study, subject to the approval of the appropriate authority to arrest the flight of PG students to other states. The department also aims to open a certificate course on Environment study.


SL.No Title Routine View
Departmental Notices
SL.No Date Subject Download / View
1 28-02-2024 Summary of Field Report (Department of Geography) 2022-2023
2 12-05-2022 Geography Field Tour